Tuesday, May 8, 2012

On the Table

I've been away for awhile, but no less busy! A local store closed down and a friend and I got a really good deal on a huge box of model kits. I had just recently ordered a few things a few months ago that hadn't been assembled. So I had put painting my Cryx on hold, and assembled a bunch of stuff. I didn't bother doing a tutorial on assembling anything because it was all pretty straight forward. Even the Bane Knights surprisingly but I'll go over that in a moment.

Got Slaughterborn, Skaare, and Tartarus assembled and ready for painting. Tartarus looks like it might be tough to glue together so If I run into problems later on I will do a tutorial. Skaare's sword arm was a little hard to glue, there isn't very much surface area to pin or place glue. With a little patience you will get it.

Got the Satyxis Raiders primed and mounted on cork. I left the chain whips off till they are painted for easy access, I'll do the chains last. I did manage to pin the feet in even though they are very tiny. I used a .40 mm drill bit for all pinning, I would suggest a .36 mm if you can. Same goes for the bane knights. These were a bit of a pain to assemble, it took a long time to pin and position the arms because i had to make sure they would fit in the battle foam inserts I got with the Warmachine bag. If you don't have to do this it should be straight forward. One thing I want to mention is when you are drilling into the arms and gluing the arms into place, be very careful of the weapon they carry. These weapons are very flimsy and a light touch will bend them. Once they are assembled, I suggest using the utmost care when handling, playing with or storing them. I also left the shields off so they are easier to paint.

I also have a Seether, Horrower, and Sea Witch still to assemble but I have been side tracked from Cryx because I am helping a friend with his Khador army, as well as trying to get the Mercenary battle box painted for an event on June 2nd. I will probably assemble the jacks once the Reaper and Leviathan are completed.

I also got two Nightwretches assembled and some progress done on the Leviathan and Reaper.

Got a bunch of Cygnar stuff assembled. Cygnar battle box, Trenchers Unit, Mechanic Blister, Nemo, Haley, and Stormcallers. I'm going to spray all the unprimed minis with Army Painter Ultramarine Blue Primer to save on the paint time.

Started painting the Mercenary battle box, just finished Magnus a few hours ago. Now I am going to move onto The Light Jacks. I tried to go for the classic green paint scheme, but I couldn't follow the guide in the book because the colors are listed in P3 paint. I have some P3 colors right now, but not the ones they use in the Merc guide besides Thornwood Green. So I tried to match the colors with (Old) Citadel colors as best I could. What I came up with was:

Base Coat: Catachan Green.
Shade: Thornwood Green (Catachan if you don't have it)
Highlight: Camo Green*
Extreme Highlight: 1:4:1 drop ratio of Camo Green/Thrall Flesh*/Water

*Traitor Green/ Rotting Flesh are the equivalents for the different companies.

Wet blend your shade color and your highlight color together creating light spots and shadows where they would be all along the cape and shoulder pads. Once it it dry do a highlight layer on the upper parts of the shoulder pads and cloak. Line in around the edges of the shoulder pads and the folds of the cloak with your shade color. Then mix up your extreme highlight ratio, and only apply it to the edges of the cloak and at the apex of the folds on the back of the cloak.

Well that's all for now. I have so much on the go I'm not even going to say what I'll be working on next. I have to get the Mercenaries done so i will prob just post pictures of that. Until next time!

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